Monday, 23 July 2012

New page added

As you might have noticed I have added a new page dedicated to my Warhammer 40k army. So far it just contains a few pictures of models I've converted but hopefully there is more to come. I will be playing a few Warmachine games over the next week or two so I might try to battle report at least one of them and get it uploaded on here.

Stay tuned, hope you enjoy the newest addition and more to come soon.


Friday, 20 July 2012

First taste of 40k Sixth Ed.

As I mentioned previously I'm a big fan of Warhammer 40k. Last week I finally got around to playing a few games with the latest 6th edition rules. Two games against an Orc army (1 win, 1 loss) and one against Tau (win). I am more than pleased about the changed to the rules and the effects it has had on my Tyranid army. More than anything I find that its the weaker swarms that have benefitted the most. Now you will be seeing devourergants able to withstand charges by unleashing an amazing amount of firepower and hormagaunts with adrenal glands able to drop any vehicle with back armor 10 on a single charge. Monstrous creatures also get some amazing new buffs with all their attacks at AP 2 and the Hammer of Wrath attack on a charge. I also fielded a group of zoanthropes with a range of new psychic powers and they were very effective (being able to give a flying hive tyrant It will not die, Feel no pain and Eternal warrior is phenomenal). I'm yet to see how all these changes will pan out over the next few months as we all wrap our heads around it and start developing lists playing to the new strengths but I for one am really enjoying the change.

Next time I will attempt to get some pics up of my army and some conversions I worked on.

Thanx all,

Friday, 13 July 2012

First ever post.

After visiting my little brother I've decided to join him in creating a blog. To be honest I don't have much of an idea what I plan to do with it. I'll mostly be using it to talk about my hobbies. I love playing Warhammer 40k and Warmachine/Hordes so you should see some painting, modelling and battle reports (when i get around to it). I sincerely hope you all enjoy reading about it. I'll also be peppering things with a few general blogs, posts, rants, whatever crosses my mind at the time. Over the next week or two I will start getting photos of my collections up for you to peruse.
