I currently play Tyranids. Below are a few of my conversions.
Parasite of Mortrex
I made this model out of a Warrior body with Forgeworld warrior wings and remodelled rending claws for the talons mounted onto a flying base. I think it worked out really well and includes a little ripper on the base. I think he's a great addition to my army and I've had alot of luck spawning rippers in close combat. He also is a valuable highly mobile synapse creature, good for moving quick to fill any gaps. Also with the new hammer of wrath he gets one more attack on the charge which is one more chance to spawn rippers.
The Doom of Malan'tai
This is just a converted Zoanthrope with a Mawloc head and Genestealer scything talons. I had to use a bit of greenstuff to fill gaps. The new finecast model worked really well in order to shave down the head to fit the mawloc piece, something which wouldn't have been possible with the metal model. Anyone who has run this model will tell you the same. The Doom is amazing. For 90 points he will almost always make his worth devouring any unit that gets within 6" by the shooting phase. Also being able to generate up to 10 wounds and a 3+ invulnerable save makes him very hard to kill, even though his low toughness makes it possible to 1 shot him on occasion.
I made this model before the new Tyrannofex kit came out but I still really like the way it turned out. I used a Carnifex kit with some left over Trygon legs and converted the head from a Carnifex kitbashed onto a Mawloc mouth and greenstuffed together. The rupture cannon mounted on his chest is actually a piece of reticulation pipe covered in greenstuff. I also painted my first space marine only to have him torn to pieces by rippers. The Tyrannofex is a heavy support that was absolutely essential for taking out vehicles. Under the new rules however it is much easier to glance vehicles to death and the Tyrannofex is less vital but he is still a great choice. Plus his thorax swarm can now be fired like a flamer in overwatch in addition to all the other weapons in his arsenal.
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