Saturday, 9 March 2013

Long time, No post.

Well its been a while. I have played an epic Apocalypse game (Thanx Boyd and Owen for organizing) and the Evil Alliance won out. I have decided since I am over all pretty happy with how my 'Nids are playing that I would start (very slowly I might add) on a space marine army. I am in no way rushed to get these guys to the table like I was with the 'nids, being my first army and all. I am customizing a lot of models, mostly just kitbashing. I have just put up my first 'tutorial' where I will walk you through my Librarian in Terminator armor that I put together. One thing I am very immovable on in my army. Everyone keeps their helmet on at all times. Its war. Who wants to catch a bullet in the head? However seeing as GW doesn't offer some of their models with helmets I have had to improvise. Either make one of my own to stand in, or grind out some finecast and put a helmet in, in place of their head.

Pictures and colour schemes will follow. Im playing the Nemesis chapter from the second founding because there is next to no background, colour scheme, etc on these guys. So I won't offend anyone if I mess something up.