Wednesday, 17 April 2013


Hey all,
Decided I needed to get started on my objective markers (still going on play it painted challenge, just felt like a bit of a quick break). I bought a few from Secret Weapon Miniatures a while ago to use with my 'Nids and they're ridiculously easy to paint up and have looking good. The other one that I made up I've been playing around with for a little while now. I picked up a little demon guy from the Blood Throne of Khorne for $1 from a bits auction and wanted to use him for something special. I decided to mock up an objective as the Devil buying souls. Whoever holds it gets the luxury of selling their soul for wealth, fame whatever at the end of the match. I also figured when I get my blood bowl team off the ground (Chaos) he would make an excellent team manager.

These are the Tyranid objective markers, simply based with black with a tiny dry brush of silver then washed in the same colour as the egg (helps get that wet shiny look for the alien bases) then red wash in the open eggs touched up with a little bit of colour afterwards. I think they look quite sufficiently 'Nid like.

This is my Devil objective marker. Based with a pile of skulls the scroll is left over from a venerable dreadnought. The tail was green stuff, the head I trimmed down as well for the more classic devil look. His pitchfork is actually cut down from the original figures sword with some plastic rod used in the middle for length. I'm really happy with how he turned out. I also think he'll look great as a team manager for a chaos blood bowl team.

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Play it Painted

Hi all,
This month (after joining Westgamer) I have decided to join in with their Play it Painted challenge. For this month I am pledging to finish painting 4 warcaster/warlocks that have been sitting around waiting for me to find the time. I think the idea they've come up with is a brilliant plan to motivate uninspired painters (such as myself). If you enter a pledge and complete it in the given month you will recieve entries in a raffle to win a warmachine/hordes model of your choice (within a certain range, this month its Solo's, so no free Gargantuans).

My pledge is to paint Kara Sloan, Borka Kegslayer, Grim Angus and Grissel Bloodsong. I will attempt to keep you all up to date with how things progress.

In related news I have started painting my Space Marine Librarian in Terminator Armor. Again, I will keep you all posted.

Mike out.