Friday, 27 September 2013

Play it Painted Sept part 2

Well it's done. I still have the extra magnetised arms for the Avenger to paint up but they're basecoated and on my list of things to finish. I also completely assembled and have started painting a Skaven Blood Bowl team. They're very easy to put together out of a Night Runners box and still have a lot of variety. I also picked up a Rat Ogre off of ebay, a leftover from the Island of Blood kit. All in all they're coming together nicely. The different players all have different looks so it's easy to spot what role each fills on the field. Pics of them to come ... for now here is my finished PiP challenge. Fingers crossed I win something out of this.

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Play it Painted September

Well I'm going to take another crack at PIP this month as an excuse to finally get a couple of models I have sitting around painted. This month its Warjacks and Warbeasts ... I just finished magnetising up my Cygnar Avenger/Hammersmith/Centurion so it's a good excuse as any. I also found my Swamp Troll so there's another one I completely forgot about. I'm also going to throw in the Steelsoul Keg Protector, one of the special editions from Privateer Press. Mostly because I like the model and its a good excuse as any. Here's my before pics. Now to wait for the afters...

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Blood Bowl team ready to play

Well it seems like only yesterday (or maybe the day before) I was putting up my WIP post about getting my team finished on my days off... well its done. Except for two Chaos Warriors and basing my cheerleaders. But enough of a team to be ready to play! So here are the final shots of my team and support staff. I will be looking into playing a few games while I work on my last two members of the team.


Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Blood Bowl WIP 2

Hi all, its been a while. I've been up to a lot since I last posted. Went to Canada and saw two very good friends get married. Put in a decent amount of work on Tyranids, Space Marines and even some Cygnar. Played a couple of great games of Hordes/Warmachine against some of the guys from work. And last of all ... finally sat down and finished modelling the last couple of guys I need to round out my Blood Bowl team.

I'm still waiting of greenstuff to set on the last ones but they're looking great and I cannot wait to paint them all up (hopefully the next two days as I have them off work). Then all I have left to do is start looking for a few friendly games to get me back in the saddle as it were.

You can spot the new guys from the lack of a basecoat and the other half finished ones dotted around. On the far right is my Team Manager a.k.a. The Devil, contract in hand ready to sign up new talent, and behind him my two beastwomen cheerleaders. They've been moved down the list of things to paint as I really want to get this team up and running first.

With a little luck the next post you get from me will include a run down on my first game of blood bowl in over a decade... wish me luck!