Friday, 29 November 2013

Blood Bowl Team begins anew...

Hi all, now I know its only been a few months since I finished my Chaos Blood Bowl team but I've started on another. A couple of others actually. I will still be playing Chaos for the foreseeable future but I have started making a few other teams, mostly because I really enjoy converting them. I have a Skaven, Dark Elf and Necromantic team in the works but today I'll be posting a few pics of the Norse team I've been working on. I recently received an order from Thomarillion for some dungeon accessories. Specifically some barrels and some mugs and bottles. (You may be able to see where this is going). I've been waiting for these because I bought some Chaos Marauders some time ago to convert but I wanted something more ... so without further ado here's some pics of the current work in progress.

The first pic is of my two runners on either side and my thrower in the centre. The second pic is my two blitzers. Famous for being able to carry an entire keg into battle and still manage to play blood bowl. I absolutely love how these guys are turning out so stay tuned for more pics once I start work on my linemen, ulfwerners and of course some Viking cheerleaders.

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