Friday, 12 February 2016

Busy times.

Well anyone who knows me knows that my fiance is away for this month visiting family halfway around the world. While this is a little sad it does allow me a lot of free time to shift some of my projects off the "in progress" shelf to the "FINISHED!" pile. And on that note I have finally finished painting and scenerising my first dice tower which, though it has seen a lot of use has been a large unpainted blob of white on my gaming table.

I am really pleased with how this turned out. Though the paint job is moderately basic it really adds a lot of character to the table while also being functional.

Next cab off the rank is some more characters for Frostgrave. I picked up a couple of mini's a while ago from reaper because I loved the sculpt but never thought I would find a use for them. Now I present my Illusionist and his Apprentice.

One of the reasons I really like Frostgrave is because it is fun and not too serious. Its a pretty quick game that you can enjoy with friends without anyone getting too caught up in rules and minutiae. I also painted up a Genie for the Genie scenario.

Last but by no means least myself and some of the guys I work with have been playing a lot of proxy Guild Ball to decide if we were going to buy in on another game. We've been having a blast with it and I have just picked up a fisherman starter box. While I waited for that I put together two custom goals for my fish team.

As always it's been a lot of fun painting and modding and hopefully in the next week or two I'll add some pics of a freshly painted guild ball team.

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